High Rock Lake |
4.75 |
Feet Below Full
Data for 12/9/2024 2:00 PM |
Live "On The Water" Weather
52.5o F |
Humidity: |
90 % |
Wind: |
SW @ 0.4 mph
Gusts: |
1.0 mph
Dew Point: |
49.7o F |
Barometer: |
30.025 in. |
Rain Today: |
0.37 in. |
Month: |
0.39 in. |
Year: |
34.04 in. |
Visibility: |
9 miles |
Feels Like |
52.5o F |
Overcast |
Based on High Rock Lake's Level, "Rule Curve" rule 1 would apply today |
Rule 1 Range |
0.10 to 10.00 |
Feet Below Full |
Low Inflow Protocol |
Not Active |
Stage |
Required Minimum Discharge |
1000 |
Cubic Feet Per Second |
High Rock Bridge Clearances |
Hwy 8 at Abbotts Creek |
7.24 Ft. |
Holloways Church Road |
9.86 Ft. |
Linwood Southmont Rd. |
10.32 Ft. |
High Rock Access Areas (water depth at end of boat ramp) |
Rowan Cty Pump Station |
0 Ft. |
Dutch Second Creek |
9.15 Ft. |
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